Woman falls into oven during epileptic seizure

A woman suffered horrific burns and almost had to have her fingers amputated after she fell into a hot oven during an epileptic seizure.

Shaz McCormack, 20, from Maidstone, Kent, suffered a four-minute long convulsion while she was cooking a roast dinner for her family. Thankfully, a neighbour heard banging and alerted the fire brigade who rescued her.

Shaz, a care home nursing assistant, suffered third-degree burns to both her arms and needed skin grafts to repair the damage.
She says: “I’ve been left scarred all over my hands which I’m very self-conscious about. I always wear a jumper to cover them up, even in hot weather.

“Doctors almost had to amputate my fingers due to the severity of the burns. It’s hard to believe that this happened due to my epilepsy, but I’m trying to think positively.
“I want people to take illnesses such as epilepsy seriously, as they can have a huge impact on people’s lives.”
Shaz was diagnosed with epilepsy in July 2013 when she was just 14, after suffering a seizure one morning before school.
She says: “It was a shock, as I’d never experienced any symptoms before. But I had to learn to live with it and doctors gave me medication to prevent seizures.”

As Shaz’s episodes have no warning signs, she’s unable to drive a car and was forced to give up her dreams of becoming a midwife.
She says: “It’s been tough. Sometimes, I do wish I could be as carefree as my friends.”


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